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Fenced vegetable garden with raised beds

Having an Impact
Having an Impact


A large vegetable garden with raised beds surrounded by wire and timber fencing. 




The project


My wife saw a design for a fence surrounding a vegie garden in one of the Bunnings magazines. She wanted plenty of space for fruits, vegies and herbs. She liked the look of it. The only problem was we didn’t have a vegie garden yet. So the project was born.


Once I had drawn out plans, ordered all the materials and gathered everything that I needed for the build itself, it took approximately three weeks. We had a lot of rain interruptions and had to do it before and after work and on weekends. Still have to put a gate on the entrance. All materials were purchased from Bunnings. 




Step 1


First, I had to clean the area and measure out where the posts would go. I dug holes for the posts and concreted them in. 





Step 2


Once the concrete was set, I could start cutting the boards to size and attaching them. 



Step 3


I painted the entire thing with a weather resistant paint in Monument to match the fence. I cut the wire mesh to size and and attached them to the inside of the frame using the saddle clips. 



Step 4


Once the garden beds were finished, we added two Birdies raised garden beds and pavers to walk on.



Step 5


We added soil and plants and a compost bin.




We are really are enjoying the garden bed. I’m pretty happy with how it has turned out and my wife and daughter love it, especially the compost bin that has been put in. We are loving growing our own food.




Kind of a Big Deal

I love this ! What have you got growing in there at the moment @Wheats ? 😃🪴

Having an Impact

@mich1972 currently have a lemon & lime bush on one side, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, carrots & snow peas around the edges. The garden beds in the middle have all sorts of herbs growing.

Becoming a Leader


Thank you for sharing this post on raised garden beds and fencing.   I am wondering if you intend to put a gate on this yard to close it off?  I'm guessing you have built this fenced in area to shut out ?  pets, vermin?


Or is the fencing to be used as trellis type plants?


This Old gal

Having an Impact


Yes, I finished it off with a gate. Put the gate on to keep out pets & also it just finishes it off nicer.


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